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Ultrasonic Flaw Detectors

Ultrasonic flaw detectors work following the non-destructive principle of sending sound waves into solid materials to detect hidden cracks, voids, porosity and other internal discontinuities in metals, composites, plastics and ceramics. Flaw detectors are designed to detect, size, position and differentiate between flaw types in various materials and welded joints. The flaw detectors must be fast as inspectors are usually scanning surfaces at a high speed. The echo patterns that are produced during ultrasonic flaw detection are displayed in real-time by our portable ultrasonic flaw detectors, allowing easy, fast and accurate detection.

DFX6 Ultrasonic Flaw Detector

  • Ultrasonic Flaw Detector
  • Broad & Narrow Band Amplifier
  • Curved Surface Correction

DFX7 Ultrasonic Flaw Detector & Thickness Gauge

  • Ultrasonic Flaw Detector & Thickness Gauge
  • Setup to very accurately measure thickness, locate pits, flaws and blind surface corrosion
Price from € 4.050,00
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DFX8 Flaw detector & thickness gauge

  • Professional ultrasonic flaw detector & thickness gauge
  • Various functions for professional use
  • Internal memory of 4 GB
Price € 5.332,00
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