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CAP-MTS-RA Motorized Cap Torque Tester

The CAP-MTS-RA Motorized Cap Torque Tester is no longer available and has been replaced by CAP-TSTM.
Click here to see the CAP-TSTM.

Series MTS-RA Motorized Torque Tester can be used as a desktop torque testing machine, loosen caps and capture peak torque or tighten caps to a programmed torque value.  The capable rotation is both CW and CCW at 3~90 degree/sec.

It enables to perform the test unable to be performed with a human hand such as repeat durability test of  bottle opening,  PCB twisting, etc.The MTS-RA can display torque vs. angle information. The Motorized setup allows for greater accuracy and repeatability versus testing by hand.

The MTS-RA Torque stands have several capacities up to 100 kgf-cm/ 1000 N-cm. Samples from 20 mm  to 160 mm in diameter, caps up from 20 mm to 90 mm and heights up from 130 mm to 215 mm can be tested. Optional sample tables, cap vises are available for special containers. Special long column models for taller samples are also available. Digital speed control from 3~90° per second in 0.1 degree increments assures consistent test speeds.

Manual & Automatic Operating Modes,
The tester features both manual and automatic operation modes. Use real time mode to display torque transients, or peak mode to capture peak torque. One way mode can be used for quick and easy measurement of removal or tightening torque. Keep mode can be used to hold a specified torque value for a certain direction

Manual Mode
One Way Trip Mode – The tester will rotate clockwise or counterclockwise until one of two conditions is reached (torque value or time). Once one condition is satisfied, the tester will stop.
Keep Mode  
The tester will rotate clockwise or counterclockwise until one of two conditions is reached (torque value or time). If the torque setpoint is reached, the tester will maintain the torque for a predetermined time.

Improved Interface
Program menus are in plain language and the unique program dial makes entering selections simple. Selectable measuring units of lbf-in, kgf-cm, or N-cm. Store up to 1,000 values in memory, which can be transmitted using USB output. Use the included ZT Logger Data Acquisition software to collect the data. The tester can output directly to a flash drive or into our software at 2,000 data per second.





  • Automatic cap torque testing for both tightening and untightening
  • Tighten caps with a pre-programmed torque value
  • Untighten caps using color-coded LED indicators for Go/No Go tests
  • Stop at programmed torque and display torque angle or stop at a desired angle to measure torque
  • Real time and peak mode (selectable)
  • 1,000 Data memory for computer download
  • USB (virtual COM port), RS-232C, Digimatic and Analog outputs
  • Sample container diameters: 20~160mm; cap diameters: 20~90mm; height: 215mm (Special sizes on request)
  • Digital speed control 3°~90° per second in 0.1 degree increments
  • Overload capacity 200% of F.S. with alarm at 110% F.S.

Complete Kit

Kit includes

  • MTS-RA Motorized Torque Tester
  • 4x standard 2,5 cm pegs (other pegs available),
  • AC adapter/charger
  • ZT Logger data acquisition software
  • Manual

Electroluminescent display (ELD)
Functions CAP-MTS-RA
Peak hold (Clockwise and Counterclockwise)
Comparator (OK/NG judgment )
Reversible display
Sign inversion
Time display
Internal memory 1000 data
Zero clear timer
+NG alarm
Auto shut off
Serial (RS232C)
Mitutoyo digimatic
2 VDC analog output (D/A)
Comparator 3 steps (-NG/OK/+NG)
Overload warning

Ranges - Capacity (Resolution)
Model Ranges lbf/in Kgf-cm N-cm
CAP-MTS-RA-15   15.00 (0.01) 20.00 (0.01) 200.0 (0.1)
CAP-MTS-RA-40   40.00 ( 0.01) 50.00 (0.01) 500.0 (0.1)
CAP-MTS-RA-85   85.0 ( 0.1) 100.0 ( 0.1) 1000 (1)


Accuracy:± 0.5% Full scale ± 1 digit
Display :4-digits
Display update:10 times /sec
Sampling rate:Maximum 2000 data/ sec
Selectable units:N-m, N-cm, kgf-m, kgf-cm, Lb- in, ozf-in
Safe overload rating: 200% Full scale
Overload warning:Approx.110%F.S. (Warning message and alarm )
Battery:8 hours (8 hours full charge)
Battery Indicator: Indicates three charge states, high, medium,and low
Auto Zero Reset:1,0 to 60 seconds (selectable)
Output signal:RS232C (8,1,N,19200), analog ± 2V DC, Open collector 4x (+NG, Ok, -NG, OVL), max. 30V DC, 10mA, Mitutoyo Digimatic
Temperature range:0 - 40°C
Air humidity:20 - 80% RH, max.
Sample diameter20 - 160 mm
Cap diameter20 - 90 mm
Sample height130 - 215 mm ((Special sizes on request))
Memory:1000 data points (max)
Pegs2.5 cm standard, 10 cm optional
Gross WeightAppr. 18,5 kg
Warranty: 2 years

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