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ESM750S Single-Column Force Test Stand

The ESM750S Single-Column Force Test Stand is no longer available and has been replaced by F755 / F1505.
Click here to see the F755 / F1505.

The ESM750S is one of our two brand new high capacity single-column test stands in our range. Made in the USA, it represents the follow-up model of our TSFM500-DC test stand. It has a maximum travel of 360 mm and a maximum load capacity of 3,4 kN, which offers the possibility of various compression and tension measurements. 

The motorized ESM750S provides clearance and depth dimensions as well as generous travel. This qualifies it for a wide range of applications such as break detection, travel indication, cycling and much more. A detailed overview about the available configurations can be found in the table below.

Like the whole ESM series, the ESM750S can be configured with modularly controller functions to achieve the best possible testing environment.  A large assortment of grips and  attachments as well as the possibility to choose between a force gauge or an external load cell mount,  make this device suitable for both, production and laboratory use.

Furthermore, the user friendly menu can be password protected to avoid unauthorized changements in the test settings. The test speed, force, distance limits, cycling any many other functions can be configurated directly over the control panel.

The force and travel data of the ESM750S is easily transferrable to a computer. There is a free version of the MESUR™ gauge software available at no extra costs. Advanced software for graphing and analysis of the retrieved data is available upon extra costs. Additionally the test stand can be fully controlled by a PC with a customer-written program in any language supporting ASCII communications.



  • Ergonomic design, with smart, clean cable management
  • Compatible with indicators and load cells, as well as force gauges
  • Adjustable, removal controller with intuitive menu navigation
  • USB data output: force vs. time or force vs. distance
  • Motor-driven stepper, producing smooth and quiet operation with no speed variation under load
  • Warranty: 3 years
  • Conformity: CE mark


Control unitControl unit

The adjustable-angle control unit is comprised of a robust aluminum housing,  perfect for industrial production environments. It's easy to use with many optional additional functions such as the FollowMe function. Since the control unit is removable, it is also suitable for remote control or for table mounting with an optional mounting kit.



Travel limitersTravel limiters

The measuring path can be adjusted by upper and lower travel limiters and thus stops the test bench with a repeatability of 0.025 mm.



Adjustable mounting plate for attaching handles & accessoriesAdjustable mounting plate for attaching handles & accessories

The mounting plate can be repositioned for proper alignment on the X and Y axis. The mounting plate is provided with a matrix of threaded holes for mounting handles and accessories.




Modular construction

Modular construction

All the electronics are installed in a single panel, which is easy to remove for updates and maintenance.




FollowMe FollowMe

The FollowMe ™ feature allows you to control the strength level manually. By applying pressure to the force gauge shaft or load cell, the crosshead positions itself at different rates of speed according to the applied pressure. Its high adaptability makes it suitable for quick positioning as well as for fine tuning.



>Force gaugeForce gauge

To take advantage of the full range of features of your dynamometer, you need a Series 5 or 7 force gauge that is capable of both,  force versus time and force versus displacement measurements combined with a data interface.



Handles and pull-out handle adapter Handles and pull-out handle adapter

A wide range of different holders, clamps and printing plates, etc. allowing the test bench to be adapted to almost any test situation.




Indicator / measuring cell adapter Indicator / measuring cell adapter

To mount a series 5i or 7i display and to mount a R01 or R03 force sensor.




   MESUR MESURgauge is a measuring and analysis software MESUR MESURgauge is a measuring and analysis software

Captures the data available via the USB port of the ESM750S, enabling display of the data in graphical and tabular formats, as well as offering conversion into statistics and other reporting and output tools.

Optional Controller Functions
Feature Part. No. Description Requirements
FollowMe SF008

Crosshead movement responds to manually pushing or pulling on the force gauge shaft or load cell. Increasing force produces greater speeds. Ideal for setups and quick positioning.

• Series 7 or 5 gauge or indicator
Travel indication SF009-1

Travel is indicated on the control unit display, with out via USB. An internal scale utilizing Renishaw technology produces significantly higher accuracy than with conventional rotary encoder-base designs. Backlash and nonlinearity are virtually eliminated.

• Series 7 or 5 gauge or indicator

• Can not be added in field

Computer control SF010

The ESM750S may be fully controlled by a PC through a custom-written program in any language supporting ASCII communications. Also responds to the legacy Chatillon TCD command set and legacy Nexygen TCD software (not available from Checkline Europe)

• Series 7 or 5 gauge or indicator

• SF009 Travel indication

Programmable travel limits SF011

The stand stops at or cycles between programmable upper and lower travel distances

• SF009 Travel indication
Overload protection SF012 Protects a force sensor or force gauge against overload. Set the desired percentage of full scale of the gauge. Adjustable analoge output voltage setting allows the stand to interface with virtually any gauge with analog output. • Series 7 or 5 gauge or indicator
Auto return SF013

The crosshead moves to a limit switch, force set point, travel position, or break, then stops and reverses direction at full speed to the other limit. Selectable reversing at force set point 

• Reversing at force set point: Series 7 or 5 gauge or indicator

• Reversing at travel limit: SF011 programmable travel limits option

• Reversing at break: SF019 break detection option

Cycling / dwell time SF014

Same function as auto return but with the ability to program up to 100.000 cycles. Programmable dwell time for upper and lower limits (set independently) can be set up for up to 10.000 seconds.

•  Same as auto return, at the same speed in each direction. Add SF016 for independet up and down speeds
Independent Up and Down speeds SF016 Individually configure speeds for the up and down directions -
Low speed extension SF017 Extends the standard speed range down to 0,02 mm/min. -
High speed extension SF018-1 Extends the max speed to 1,525 mm/min. -
Break detection SF019

Crosshead stops at a programmable drop in force

•  Series 7 or 5 gauge or indicator
Load holding SF020

Dynamically adjusts the crosshead position to maintain a specified load for an indefinite or specified period of time.

•  Series 7 or 5 gauge or indicator
• For a specified dwell time SF014 is required
Preload / sample touch SF021 Stops the corsshead and/or zeroes the travel display at an initial preload. Useful in tensile, compression, spring, elongation, and other applications. Preload is progammable as a percentage of force gauge/load cell full scale. Three modes: (1) stop, (2) stop and zero and (3) zero without stopping. •  Series 7 or 5 gauge or indicator
Profiles SF022

Save and recall sets of test parameters, such as speeds, travel limits, preload, etc. Maximum of 50 profiles may be stored.

Complete options package SFCOMP-1 Includes all functions listed above. Requires a Series 7 or 5 gauge or indicator

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  • High-speed 7.000 Hz peak sampling rate
  • 1.000-point data memory with statistics and outputs

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Series-5  Advanced Digital Force Gauge

Series-7 Professional Digital Force Gauge

  • High-speed sampling rate: 14.000 Hz
  • Continuous data capture of up to 5.000 data points, at up to 14.000 Hz, downloadable to a PC
  • Individual data point memory for up to 5.000 data points, downloadable to PC

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Mark-10 Attachments

Model-5I Advanced Digital Force/Torque Indicator

  • Interchangeable force and torque sensors through, separately sold, Plug & Test® technology
  • High-speed 7.000 Hz sampling rate
  • USB, RS-232, Mitutoyo, and analog outputs

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Model-7i Advanced Force/Torque Indicator

  • Interchangeable force and torque sensors through Plug & Test® technology (sensors are sold separately)
  • High-speed 14.000 Hz sampling rate
  • Continous data capture of up to 5.000 data points, at up to 14.000 Hz, downloadable to a PC
  • 5 units of measurement, plus Coefficient of Friction and user-defined unit with configurable name

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Load capacity:3.4 kN < 900 mm/min
2.3 kN > 900 mm/min
Maximum travel distance:360 mm
Speed range:Standard: 10-600 mm/min
Optional: 0.02 - 1,525 mm/min
Speed setting accuracy:±0.2% of setting
Speed variation with load:±0% [stepper motor driven]
Travel accuracy:±0,05 mm per 250 mm
Travel resolution:0,02 mm
Limit switch repeatability:0,03 mm
Power:Universal input 80-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz
Weight:Test stand: 68kg
Shipping weight: 88kg
Conformance:CE mark
Warranty:3 years

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