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RH6 Paper Moisture Meter

Made in the EuRH6 Paper moisture meter with sword sensor for piles of paper.

The RH6 is also ideal for automatic monitoring of climate in printing rooms and paper storage rooms.

Paper moisture meter for relative and absolute moisture, temperature compensated paper and wood equilibrium moisture content, calibration curves for determination of water content.

Measuring procedure:
To determine the moisture in paper piles, the sword sensor is inserted into the paper stack and left there for a short conditioning time. The large, well-lit display shows the current moisture and temperature value.
Via the integrated datalogger the measuring values can be stored and additional data can be added.
The Autolog function enables an automatic saving of measuring values in adjustable time intervals.
To prevent a damage of the sword sensor in heavy paper stacks, a sword sensor holder and a tool for removing the sword sensor holder are available optionally.
The humimeter USB data interface module offers the possibility to connect the device to a PC.
Via the delivered LogMemorizer software the measuring values can be read off the device, addition information can be added, and the data can be archived, exported and processed.

Description of Definitions:
Relative air humidity: 
indicates the relation between the current water vapour pressure and the maximal possible water vapour pressure (called saturation vapour pressure).The relative humidity shows the degree the air is saturated with water vapour. For example:50% relative humidity indicates that at the current temperature and the current pressure the air is saturated with water vapour for half of its value, 100 % relative humidity means that the air is totally saturated. When the air has more than 100 % of relative humidity, the excessive moisture would condense or form fog.

Absolute humidity: shows the contained amount of water in grams per cubic metre of air. The absolute humidity is a direct degree for the amount of water vapour contained in a certain air volume. It shows how much moisture can maximally condense or how much water has to be evaporated to receive certain desired air humidity.

Dew point temperature:  The dew point indicates the temperature that the not completely saturated air has to reach in order to be completely saturated with water vapour. If the room with the current relative humidity is cooled down to the dew point temperature, the water vapour begins to condense.

EMC wood: shows the equilibrium moisture content of wood (for timber stored under these conditions) in % moisture content of wood and the temperature in the selected unit (°C or °F).

aH kraftliner: shows the equilibrium moisture content of kraftliner paper (for paper stored under these conditions) in % moisture content and the temperature in the selected unit (°C or °F).

aH testliner: shows the equilibrium moisture content of testliner paper (for paper stored under these conditions) in % moisture content and the temperature in the selected unit (°C or °F).

empty curves: can be used to calibrate some special products



  • Relative air humidity 0 to 100%, resolution 0.1% RH
  • Calibration 10 to 90% +/-1.5% RH (at 25°C)
  • Temperature can be set to °C or °F as required
  • Temperature -10 to +60°C/14 to 140°F, resolution 0.1°C
  • Calibration +/-0.3°C (at 25°C)
  • Dew point -55 to +60°C/-67 to 140°F, resolution 0.1°C
  • Hold function, manual saving of results
  • Automatic datalog for up to 10,000 logs with measuring point report
  • Rapid adjustment
  • Absolute air humidity 0 to 130 g/m³, resolution 0.1g/m³
  • Temperature compensated paper and wood equilibrium moisture content, calibration curves for determination of water content
  • Customer calibration function

Complete Kit

The RH6 is delivered as a complete kit including:

  • RH6 Measuring gauge
  • PC-interface
  • Software (free Download only)
  • USB adapter
  • Wooden case
  • batteries

Calibrated on
  • Relative humidity
  • Absolute humidity
  • dew point
  • wood
  • aF kraft liner
  • aF testliner


CAL-UNIT Calibration Adapter for RH Moisture Meters & RMS-TD Transmitters

  • CAL-UNIT-TUBE - Calibration adapter for tube sensors
  • CAL-UNIT-SWORD - Calibration adapter for sword sensor

More details

CAL-UNIT Calibration Adapter for RH Moisture Meters & RMS-TD Transmitters 127539

LI-ION Rechargeable AA Batteries

  • Li-Ion rechargeable battery
  • Stable voltage of 1,5 V over 95% of the runtime
  • Charged via the USB to USB-C cable

More details

LI-ION Rechargeable AA Batteries 127554



Measuring Range0 to 100%
Calibration Accuracy±1.5% (10 to 90%) at 25°C
Temperature Range-10 to +60°C (14 to 140°F)
Temperature Resolution0.1°C
Tempature Accuracy±0.3°C (at 25°C) Pt 1000 DIN B
Temperature Unitscan be set to °C or °F as required
Dew point-55 to +60°C (-67 to 140°F)
Absolute Air Humidity0 to 130 g/m³, resolution 0.1g/m³
Data LoggerAutomatic data log for 10.000 logs with measuring point report
Data Output USB interface (supplied with data transfer cable & software)
Power4x 1.5 Volt AA batteries
Warranty2 years

Buy Now


RH6 - Advanced Paper moisture meter with datalogger
€ 1.382,00 

PRINTER-Portable Battery Powered Thermo Printer
€ 426,00 
CAL-UNIT-SWORD - Calibration adapter for sword sensor
€ 198,00 
RH-CAL-AMPVAR - Certified calibration ampoules 2x35%, 1x50%, 2x80%
€ 114,00 
RH-CAL-AMP50 - Certified calibration ampoules 5 x50%
€ 114,00 
RH-CAL-AMP80 - Certified calibration ampoules 5 x80%
€ 114,00 
RH-SWORD - sensor holder for RH5, RH6, LFpro and LF-TS
€ 148,00 
RH-REMOVE - sensor holder removal tool for RH5, RH6, LFpro, LF-TS
€ 86,00 
Calibration Certificate - Factory calibration certificate protocol for humidity meters
€ 136,00 
Humi-FS3-Cal - Checking the calibration of FS3 series devices, RH and LF series
€ 207,00 
Humi-Bluetooth - Serial Interface module
€ 366,00 
Li-Ion Rechargeable AA Batteries - 4 pcs (with USB to USB-C cable)
€ 25,00 
All mentioned prices are excluding VAT & excluding shipment costs.
Availability: Available: 1 - 3 days, Delivery time: 1 - 3 weeks, special order request

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