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SC-PM Display Unit

Made in Germany

2 Available Models

Model Connectable Sensors Output signal
SC-PM Sensors with measuring amplifier 0 - 10 V DC, Open Collector
SC-PMD Sensors without measuring amplifier 0 - 10 V DC, Open Collector


Panel mount digital display (1/8 Din Cutout), RS 232 output signal, analog output and user-set MIN and MAX alarm limits. All tension sensors series TS and LTS with analog output signal 0 - 1 V can be connected.


3 different calibrations for customer supplied material can be saved at this display unit


Available with digital output for data processing with PC


Rear Panel of Indicator: Terminal strip for power supply, output signals (RS 232, 0 - 10 V DC, Open Collector)


  • Connection of series TS and LTS with analog output 0 - 1 V DC, optionally series without integrated amplifier
  • User set limits (Min and Max alarms) with LED and Open Collector output for external signal unit
  • Adjustable damping for easier reading if tension fluctuates
  • Panel mounted digital display
  • Display unit with Dotmatrix LCD display, 12 mm high with backlight
  • Interfaces:
    Analog: 0 - 10 V DC (standard)
    Digital (optional): RS 232 or RS 422
    Current (optional): 4 - 20 mA (instead of 0 - 10 V DC output)
  • Adjusting and storaging of 3 different materials
  • Menu for configurating the device (alarm limits, damping, units, tension range, adjustment graph)
  • Adjustment for connected sensor (Zero and Gain)
  • CE certified with sensor connected

Complete Kit
Display unit with transport packaging, operating instruction in English and German, Certificate of Compliance with the order 2.1 according EN 10204

Output Signal
Name Output Signal
analog 0 - 10 V DC
open collector
Code A3
4 - 20 mA instead of 0 - 10 V DC
open collector
Code 232
digital RS-232
analog 0 - 10 V DC
open collector
Up to 100 readings can be transferred per second
Code 422
digital RS-422
analog 0 - 10 V DC
open collector
Up to 100 readings can be transferred per second
Click picture for more information


Digital displayDotmatrix LCD, 12 mm high with backlight
Measuring to be measured unitscN, daN, g or kg selectable depending on range
Selectable Damping9 adjustable settings (electronic damping, moving averaging)
Output signalanalog: 0 - 10 V DC /R (Last) ¡Ã 5k§Ù
digital (option): RS 232 or RS 422 (19200, 8, N, 1), 100 measurings/s
current (option): 4 - 20 mA instead of 0 - 10 V DC
Input signal0 - 1 V DC, option mV
Alarm limitsProgrammable MIN/MAX limits with LED
Alarm outputOpen Collector max. 30 V DC, 10 mA
AdjustmentStorage for 3 different materials (standard adjustment + 2 customer supplied materials)
Power supply15 - 24 V DC, 100 mA
Temperature range10 - 45°C
Air humidity85 % RH, max.
Dimensions115 x 95 x 48 mm (LxWxH), mounting cut out 92 x 44 mm
Weight, net (gross)Approx. 300 g (Approx. 1000 g)

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SC-PM Panel mount Display with 0-10 VDC output
SC-PMD Panel mount Display with DMS output
All mentioned prices are excluding VAT & excluding shipment costs.
Availability: Available: 1 - 3 days, Delivery time: 1 - 3 weeks, special order request

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