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Tramex Concrete Moisture Encounter 4

The Tramex Concrete Moisture Encounter 4 is no longer available and has been replaced by CME5.
Click here to see the CME5.

The Tramex CME 4, Non Destructive Moisture Meter measures moisture content instantly in concrete floors and sand.

The Tramex Concrete Encounter is a hand-held electronic moisture meter which utilizes a non-destructive impedance measurement for moisture determination. Parallel co-planer electrodes are mounted on the unit's base which transmit low-frequency signals into the concrete or cement floor to a depth of approximately a 1/2 inch (12.5 mm). The results give the average moisture content to a depth of approximately 4 inches (100 mm) during the drying period.

While concrete under normal conditions can never be completely dry, the instrument has been calibrated on acceptably dry material. It compares the change in impedence caused by the presence of water and displays moisture content on an analog dial.

The meter is calibrated to give percentage moisture content readings on a clean, bare, dust free concrete floor slab, thus readings taken on concrete slabs through paint, coating, adhesives or other materials on the surface of the slab should be regarded as qualitative or comparative and not quantitative.

The electrical impedance is measured through generating a low frequency electric field between 8 electrodes at the bottom of the instrument.
Three scales allow flexible use of the instrument as an accurate measuring device or just as a detector to find moisture traces or leakage:
Scale for Calcium Carbide Method: 0-4% H2O
Concrete scale for quick checking of moisture in concrete according to the Calcium Carbide Method (CCM-method).
Scale for Concrete: 0-6% H2O
Concrete scale may be used only for concrete surfaces. It shows the relation between weight of pure water contained in the tested material with its dry weight. The scale range varies between 0 and 6% as 6% is about maximal physically possible content of water in the concrete. The obtained results should not be confused with moisture emission or any other moisture measurement methods.
Relative Scale: 0-100%
Relative scale may be used in moisture level comparison of various materials. Obtained results should not be interpreted as percentage content of water in tested surfaces There is no linear correlation between the outcomes and relative humidity. The scale should be used only as comparison technique. Scale may be used on the surfaces where direct contact with pure concrete is impossible because of some layer/covering.


  • Instant readings
  • Battery operated, pocket sized
  • 1 year warranty
  • Non-destructive operation, no need to probe, drill or mechanically damage the surface
  • Includes leather pouch
  • Reproducible result
  • Strong, robust, electrodes and body
  • Hold reading function

Complete Kit
The Tramex Concrete Moisture Encounter 4 is delivered as a complete kit including:
- Tramex Moisture Meter
- Carrying Pouch
- Instruction Manual
- 9 Volt Battery

360 degree photo

Typical Applications
  • Concrete
  • Cement

How it works
To carry out moisture tests, simply brush any dust from a smooth area of concrete as well as from the electrodes.

After that, switch on the Tramex Concrete Encounter 4 and press it firmly onto the surface, fully compressing the spring loaded signal enhancing contacts on the base of the meter.

Now read the moisture content from the clear analog dial.

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Video Demo CME 4


Display:Analog meter
Moisture Measuring Range:2-6% H2O
Measurement depth:± 1/2 inch (12.5 mm)
Measuring method:Non-destructive signal resistance
Weight:10.5 oz (298g)
Construction:Extruded Aluminum
Dimensions:6 x 3 x 1.3 inches
Battery:9v battery
Warranty:1 year

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